My 2021
Every year, rather than a resolution I come up with a ‘word’ of the year. For possibly the 3rd year in a row, the 2020 word was ‘Focus’.
I have terrible issues with taking on too much or going off on tangents, so trying to narrow down my goals has always been my intent when selecting this word.
2020 did not meet any of our expectations!
I was able to tick off one of my major goals by passing my driving test. And while I am now loving the independence driving and owning a car has afforded me, I can’t help but think – much as I did last year!- that I have wasted so much time.
Why didn’t I spend more of the lockdown reading? Or writing articles? Or improving my crochet skills!
I had the unique opportunity to develop new skills and finally complete that TEFL (which I have continued to purchase extensions for rather than complete!)
The chance was right there in front of me, and yet…I did nothing.
” Ōsōji “
One task I did take hold of was ‘learning Japanese’.
Not only have I surpassed my 1000 day streak on Duolingo, but I have also now invested in proper lessons, which are going really well. So much so, that I am looking to enter the JLPT5 exam next year.
In an effort to absorb as much ‘natural’ sounding Japanese as possible (No one talks like they do in Anime! Sorry!) I have been watching a program on Netflix called ‘Japanese Style Originator’. It is in the form of a game show, where questions on Japanese traditions and culture are asked to a panel of celebrities.
Last week I watched an episode about celebrating New Year – which was appropriate – and I was immediately struck by the concept of Ōsōji : The Big Clean.
It is a very similar concept to the Western ‘Spring clean’ but it has retained the spiritual background.
While doing it you are ridding yourself of the things you don’t need so you can start the new year with a clearer house and mind.
Clean house, Clean mind
This concept reminded me of a book that I have previously read by Buddhist monk Shoukei Matsumoto, in which he details how to clean your home. The book focused on the practicalities of cleaning and fitted well with previous non-fiction Japanese authors I had read.
While Marie Kondo taught me how to fold, and Fumio Sasaki expounded the benefits of owning less, Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga helped me clean my mind of negativity.
That is why for 2021 my ‘word of the year’ is going to be Osoji. I will be committing to a ’Big Clean’ in a number of areas of my life.
Perhaps it is something you are considering?
Which areas would you focus on?
Here are my five:
Cleaning the house:
‘Being Happy with my home’ is #41 on my Kettle list and has its whole own section on the menu!
My house is in need of a great deal of structural and decorative work before I can declare I am truly happy with it.
In 2021 my aim is to have the ultimate declutter – we have already filled one skip this year- and strip the place down to what we need, love and use.
I have written a list of rooms and jobs and intend to spend a great deal of time this coming year in getting my house in order. My ultimate goal is to have an actual bedroom by the end of 2021…and possibly a bathroom…and heating. But, as I said, I have a list, so one step at a time!
Cleaning my Finances:
While reading ‘L’arte de la liste’ by Dominique Loreau, I came across the subject of ‘Kakeibo’ and realised I needed to start one.
It is a small notebook, in which I list my income, my outgoings, and make notes of any savings I need to make. An example being, my son’s 18th birthday ‘trip’ next year…Covid willing.
(My 2 elder children were both able to pick trips for their 18th birthdays – that is how we ended up in Japan in 2017 and in Hollywood in 2019. Toby has picked Germany for his 18th birthday and I am not sure whether to be disappointed in his lack of imagination or pleased by his financial acuity!)
I am hoping to return to University in September 2021, and it will require some very skilful budgeting.
Luckily, a Kakeibo is a list – and we all know how much I love a good list!
Cleaning up my health:
This one has been a long time coming!
Many of us will have put on a few ‘Corona pounds’.
For myself, I have gone from walking 6 miles a day to work and back, to getting out of bed, making a coffee, and sitting in front of my ‘Working from home’ set up in the corner of my living room.
There are a number of health-related goals on my Kettle List, but one I want to work on the most is a throwback to my original ’40 x 40’ list.
Lose a stone. (6.35KG in new money)
Sadly, almost 4 years have passed since I turned forty, and to now get to the weight I wanted to be when I planned on losing that initial 14 lbs, I would now actually have to lose something like 2 stone!
2021 will see me drink more water, walk more, eat more fruit and veg and generally make an effort to exercise more.
My youngest and I have taken to doing a bit of yoga while watching a youtube video some evenings, – although he really does flex about how much more flexible he is!
I have already set up my 2021 planner, and many of the habit trackers are to keep me on top of my health goals. Watch this space to see how this progresses over the coming months!
Clean up my paperwork
While I have started a Marie Kondo style declutter a number of times, I generally get as far as the clothes and books and then stop. The next step is ‘paperwork’.
I need an integrated system that I can use to file everything away. There was a great course on Linkedin that I completed, aspects of which I have utilised, but I need to get on top of what I am storing, where I am keeping it and possibly minimising it.
My penchant for lists and notebooks does mean that I have an overabundance of paper lying around the place. Therefore, one of the important tasks of 2021 is to implement a system of filing and organisation.
Clean up my Social Media
One thing I did far too much of in 2020 – as well as eat!- is indulge in social media binges.
It is so easy to pop on Tik Tok and the next thing you know, hours have passed! The same with Youtube and Twitter.
I have tried to curate my feeds so that only useful and motivational things appear, but I still spend far too long on it.
It is a double-edged sword, as I am going to have to integrate a level of Social Media presence into my writing if I want to make the blog more successful in 2021, but, at the same time, I need to watch fewer meme compilations and Reddit poster videos.
Perhaps I need to spend more time watching inspiring talkers or practical, helpful people.
Over to you:
What aspects of your life need a ‘big clean’ in 2021?
Is there one area you can make an effort to work on in the coming year?
Are there goals to be set that will help you achieve what you need for yourself?
Let us know in the comments.