The end of the year is approaching
As 2021 comes to an end, it is time to both reflect on what has passed, and consider what is ahead. As someone who is trying to complete a Kettle List, I will confess that these last 2 years have been a bit of a write-off.
However, a new year beckons and with it new opportunities. I’ve already made a list of all of the items on the list I hope to work on next year. (That’s another post though!).
For now, let’s enjoy a few minutes contemplating these inspiring quotes about the end of the year.
Where there is life, there is hope
No matter what your current life status, there will always be new opportunities waiting for you. You can, of course, speed up the process of finding them by going out and looking for them yourself, but the fact remains that there is potential around every corner.
Every day is a school day, and a chance to learn and grow.

Neither an end or a begining
Even if you don’t feel that your life is going exactly to plan right now, that just means that there is all the more room for growth, improvement and change. Remember that whatever happens now, you are not starting from the beginning. You are starting with all of your newly gained knowledge, all of your experience, and with new purpose.

Whether you do or you don’t…the time will pass
A year from now you will be a year older, whether you decide to pursue your dreams or not, you will still have used up that year.
Make a decision to make better use of your time; make choices that benefit you and get you closer to where you want to be. A year from now will you be celebrating your wins or moaning over another wasted year?

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Leave the past in the past
Sometimes the best bit about the new year is leaving the old one behind. The poet T S Eliot elaborated on his thoughts on the subject.
“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.
T S Eliot
Often times we forget about life’s cyclical nature; much like the seasons, there are times for everything. We can mourn the end of the summer’s warmth and just as keenly await the beautiful colours of autumn.
Some things are not meant to be forever, they come into our lives and stay for a short while, like cherry blossom. (Seriously, check out the video linked here about the transience of nature from Japanese videographer Hozan Koichi)
Appreciate the moments and the people you are with while you are with them rather than try to create ‘Instagram’ memories’. Instead, seek them in your everyday life.

Hope smiles
Hope is the tiny crack of light in the darkness, and every new year contains it. Write your list, decide your goals, put your plans in action and get ready to smash 2022.

Over to you
As the year ends take time to reflect on what you have achieved and what you hope to do in the coming year.
Everything goes better when you have a plan, so be sure to write down your hopes and goals going forward, and then give each goal an action to get you started on your path.
Don’t have a plan yet? Check out this article on why it’s always a good idea to have a plan. And this piece on the 5 steps you can take towards getting your plan on paper.