Found myself some time…
It is funny how sometimes it feels like nothing is getting done, while there are those occasions when everything happens at once. This week has been the latter. So I’ve grabbed a coffee and I will give you an update.
I have finally got my friends twins to bed – notice I did not say to sleep! Having run the gauntlet of her new Wi-Fi password change, I am now able to sit an write for a good 2 hours. There is something relaxing about babysitting that you just don’t get with your own kids.
It is, once again, with no small irony that I note that I haven’t written a blog post for over a week, as I have been busy writing other things. But I am willing to forgive myself as I have worked towards three list goals this week – actually completing one of them.
So let me tell you what I have been up to.
California Dreaming
After months of planning and discussion we have finally booked our flights to L.A for this October. We have basically been waiting for Paul to confirm he could have the time off of work, but that’s retail for you!
This is all part of Hannah’s 18th Birthday trip, and coincidences nicely with the Kettle List. I will be able to tick off #21 – Visit California and stand on a Hollywood Star and I will be able to tick one more continent from #13
The best things about these flights are that not only have we come in well under budget, but we have saved ourselves the hassle of having to get to one of the London airports.
After our trip to Prague, we returned from Gatwick on a coach that took over 3 hours. I think Paul nearly died – he does not do coaches. It is going to be so much easier to both get to and return from Bristol airport. It is only about 20 miles from our house.
There is the added bonus that our flight will first be taking us to Dublin, where we will do all of the customs stuff, thus making our landing in LAX a bit quicker.
We are now looking at hotels, and I am working on convincing Hannah and Paul that we definitely want to take the train down to San Deigo. Even if we can’t stay there, I would love to visit for the day.
40 x 40 Update: #30 Try a Zip wire
In a fit of random madness I agreed to go up on a high wire course this week. Go Ape, at The Forest of Dean, has a ‘Junior’ course
If that was for kids I dread to think what the adult course was like! While the boys happily ran through the treetops like squirrels after a sugar-rush, I was much more reticent.
I went around both courses and got to zip wire twice, but I can’t say I actually enjoyed it; it was far too stressful to be enjoyable.
Is this what getting older feels like? Things that previously posed no problem suddenly becoming more difficult until one day, you just don’t want to do anything? If that is the case, I need to crack on with getting fitter, healthier and qualified enough to do my dream job before it is too late!
Kettle List Coffee Update
As with every trip somewhere new, I got to add another coffee to the “50 coffees in 50 different cities” list. I really need to update the page and upload all of the pictures I have. The problem I am finding with working on this blog is that it is currently 75% ‘behind the scenes’; for every blog post I write,I have 3 I am researching, or old ones I am tidying up.
There is a break coming up in June, so I may have a devote a bit of time to sorting my blogging woes. I am working on a piece about time blocking, which might throw up some useful ideas… if have time to follow them up!
It is important to celebrate those small wins though, every step forward takes you down the path you are walking – make it a good one.