Welcome to the new year
It’s time for the annual New Year Inspiration post. Once again it is time to look into the changes we want to make and the plans we have for the next 12 months.
Well, that came around quick, didn’t it? You have your head down, trying to power through the year and then suddenly – it’s all over and it is time for new one!
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Everyday is the best day
Back in the day, I wrote a short post about our relationship with our possessions, and why we should not save things ‘for best’ . Living in the moment and enjoying what we have right now is so important. We often hold onto things, waiting for the “perfect” time to use or experience them. But the truth is, life is a bunch of little moments. If we keep saving things for some distant “best” time, we might miss out on the good stuff happening right in front of us.
Whether it’s wearing your favourite outfit or relishing a simple meal, taking advantage of the present makes every day a little brighter. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment, let’s create those moments with what we have, appreciating the here and now, and making memories that matter. This thought by Ralph Waldo Emerson echoes it.
Everyday has the potential to be the best day of our lives if we approach it as such.

Be yourself
There is a study that, on average, only 9-12% of people keep their New Year’s Resolutions. Why? Perhaps people were being too ambitious, perhaps they weren’t thinking about why they wanted to do whatever they wanted to do. Or perhaps, they just weren’t in the right mental space to succeed at that time.
Resolutions often involve a change – be that weight loss, to do more of something (like exercise), or less of something (like drinking). Rarely do they involve being more true to who you really are.
Working on being your most authentic self is great resolution, that you’ll want to succeed at (unless you acknowledge that you’re a bit of a dick, in which case – maybe work on that).

This too will pass
There is a famous quote by Earl Nightingale (that I have possibly used in a previous ‘Inspirational quotes’ post), which says that you should never give up on a dream because of the time it will take, as the time will pass whether you work towards it or not .This quote from Michael Altshuler follows on from that theme.
Time has this uncanny ability to slip away swiftly, but here’s the silver lining: you’re the one in control. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, watching the days zoom by. Yet, the empowering truth is that you hold the reins of your own journey. Life’s pace may be relentless, but you get to decide where it takes you. Embrace the power you have as the pilot of your time, steering it in directions that align with your passions and dreams. Rather than being a passive observer, be an active participant in the adventure of your own existence.
The realisation that you are the pilot injects a sense of agency and purpose, encouraging you to navigate through life’s skies with intention and enthusiasm. We can’t control time passing, but we get to choose what we do with it, and where it takes us.

Buddhist Wisdom
If you’ve spent anytime on this blog, you will know I have a ‘thing’ for Japan and it’s culture. As a consequence, I have become very interested in reading about Buddhism and its philosophy. This ‘quote’ is found within that philosophy and is a profound reminder of the importance of resilience and renewal.
Life can throw many challenges at us. Yet, this mantra offers a comforting assurance that our past does not define us indefinitely. Each new moment carries the potential for a fresh start, a chance to rebuild and rediscover our strength. If we choose to embrace the present, we can release the weight of past hardships and embark on a journey of self-renewal. It’s an invitation to let go of regrets, learn from experiences, and approach each day with the optimism that we can always rewrite our story.
In the face of adversity, the mantra encourages us to embrace the inherent power within ourselves to begin anew, fostering a spirit of resilience and hope.

The sky is the limit…
Let’s end on a liberating message about embracing your full limitless potential. These words delivers a simple yet profound message about the freedom to anticipate what lies ahead without being weighed down by the past. It suggests that the past, being unalterable, won’t take offense if we choose to embrace the possibilities of the future with enthusiasm
This quote encourages us to release any lingering concerns about past events and instead channel our excitement into the boundless potential that the future offers. It serves as a gentle reminder that the past doesn’t hold a grudge; it’s the present and the future where we have the agency to shape our narratives and pursue new and exciting opportunities.

Over to you
Have you found any inspiration in the words of wisdom? Hopefully they will encourage you to explore the beauty of enjoying the present, taking charge of our time, and finding fresh starts after tough times.
Letting go of what’s holding us back and eagerly looking forward to what’s coming next is both scary and exciting.
Life’s a big canvas, and you’re the one holding the paintbrush. So, paint it with hope and joy because the best is yet to come!